Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Thursday, January 4, 2024

OF WORLD PEACE It is heartening to note, That the Indian PM's name, Hath been recommended, For establishing World Peace ! "My chariots shall not be bloody, Till the earth records my name", Said the conscientious Buddha, As he renounced War. Milton averred " Peace hath her victories, No less renouned than War " ! Man's essential nature is Peace, War is only an abnormality ! How can a Nation which declares Peace, Aum Shanti, Shanti, advocate War ? From the ethical, moral angle, Peace gets Fame, and War notoriety ! Love cognised is Truth Love in action is Non VIolence Love as pure Being is Wisdom Love as Feeling is Peace. Yet, many believe that war is a necessity biologic, An outlet for the human desire to compete and excel ! Conquest by force is only half victory, True victory is conquest by Love ! Harmony has to be established, And perfection worked out. We have to effectuate the Divine, In a conflicting and contradicting world ! We have been instructed, To rise from Non Being to Being, Asado Ma Sad Gamaya, And to rise from Darkness to Light. In other words, From the Negative to the Positive. But we have a big problem here, As we are confronted by qualities negative ! We have seen Death, But not Immortality ! Mrutyor Ma Amritam Gamaya, Appears to be difficult ! Death, Non Being, Ignorance, Darkness, adversity, disease, All these we have seen, But never experienced the Positive ! Qualties Negative, Are merely the first terms of the Formula, Unintellible to us, Till we work out its esoteric terms ! These qualities negative, Are merely initial discords Of the Musician's symphony, Didnt He create a world miserable ? That too deliberately flawing perfection, Of His Own Creation ? The discords of the world are Lord's discords, To unfold the Godhead within us? The tormenting Evil is He, As well as the Redeeming Grace ! Oru Kai Praharikkave Maru Kai kondu thalodum Easwaran ! Only when we have an integral vision, Can we see beyond all masks, The serene and lovely face, Of the All Blissful Godhead ! His tests test our imperfection, True friemd is He and Heart, the Teacher ! Mind is the greatest Guru, And world, the true Book ! Let us be what the Seer Poets recommended, What Lord Krishna recommended to Arjuna, Realised souls viewing Becoming, Under the metaphor of Being ! Let us rise from Death to Self Realisation, From the Darkness of Nescience to Light Supernal, From the mirage of Non Being to True Being, Thus fulfilling that eternal Prayer Asato Ma Sadgamaya ! Did not Bhagavan Aurobindo, Say that Strive and thou shalt have ? Trust and thy trust shall be justified ? That the Divine Crown is within our reach ? That we have to overcome the Negative, And reach the Positive ! And Implement Positivity, Then only shall the world be redeemed ! The Kingdom of Heaven, Is both worldly and transworldly To implement this Rama Rajya, India, US and Russia exist !

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Power is divine !

A Power to call Eternity into Time
And make the body's joys as vivid as the Souls !

said Aurobindo.

Let us analyse why he said that.

Power has been defined as corrupting and evil by classical philosophy. Poets and other literary blokes have made derogatory remarks about Wealth, Wine and Women.

"It is a mistake of the ethical or the religious mind to condemn Power as a weapon unworthy to be sought after, as it is corrupting and evil. Power, Shakti, Divine is the mover of the worlds and She is divine in origin and spiritual in character".

Power properly harnessed, properly used can bring wonders to this world !

The greatest Power is Love !

Love is a glory from Eternity's spheres
She is still the Godhead who can make all change !

Love should never cease to be upon the Earth
Love is the bright link betwixt Earth and heaven
Love is the Far Transcendent's angel here
Love is man's lien on the Absolute


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Friday, June 3, 2011

Aurobindo, a Realist !

Buddha and Sankara of course were two of the greatest philosophers to have graced this planet. Another equally great, Bhagavan Aurobindo, said so

"Buddha and Sankara thought the world to be miserable, hence escape from it to them was the only Wisdom ( Escapism ? ). But then the world is Being, the world is Self, the world is Truth, the world is Ananda, prajna prasrutha purani, Omnipotent Wisdom created this world ! It is not the organised blunder of some Infinite Dreamer ! It is only our perception of the world though the mentalised ego which is the suffering. The world is nothing but Anantamaya Krishna, the Lord playing in the world as Sat Chit Ananda ".

Sankara was an illusionist. Buddha was a Nihilist ( Shoonyavadi ). Their arguments only prove their world class calibre. One doctrine is not against another. That is why we said all perspectives - atheism, agnosticism, Nilhilism, Absolutism, ( Poornavada ) - are all contained in Indian Philosophy, which displays the greatness of I P.

Hegel's Dialectical Idealism was reversed by Marx ( Dialectical Materialism ). Aurobindo integrated both Materialism and Idealism and called it Dialectical Integralism. He integrated Matter and Spirit. Matter is Brahman ( Padartham Brahma, Annam Brahma ) and is the outer garment of Spirit.

Matter is veiled somnambulist consciousness, which contains all the latent powers of the Spirit. Behind every atom, behind every molecule, there lies hidden and works unknown all the omniscience of the Eternal and the omnipotence of the Infinite. ( Aurobindo )

Spirit shall see thru Matter's gaze
Matter shall reveal the Spirit's face !

Aurobindo was a Realist !

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Age Books

Do you feel stressed out ? Millions feel so. There is no need to panic, as there is a technique to heal your mind and strengthen your body. The technique is Yoga. You many ask How ? With a combined strategy of yoga stretches and meditation. You can feel the stress melt away as you practise the ancient art of Yoga and Meditation to help bring your emotional well beinto into balance and keep your body fit at the same time. Yoga has natural healing properties that can alleviate the symptoms of most common ailments. " A Beginners Guide to Yoga and Meditation " is a gem from Dr Shashi Patwardhan. A must for the novice.

Dr Shashikant's " A Practical Guide to Yoga " breaks the mold of all the other Yoga instruction books you have heard and read aloud, presenting proven steps to help you achieve Self Actualisation.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ode to the Mother Divine

Intelligence Thou art and essence
Of all sciences intuitive; Thou art
Called the Surmounter of all difficulties,
Hence Durga called.

Of the nature of Sound Primal
Thou art the threefold Veds
The Triune Mother Divine
As Wealth, Wisdom & Valour
(Lakshmi, Saraswathi, Durga )
And as the Fourth, Transcendence,
Thou art All in All, Thou art All !

Verily Thou hast declared
"All this am I, nothing exists
In the Universe apart from Me"
As the microcosmic Kundalini,
As the Macroscomic Universe,
All this is Thy great Play,
O Mighty Mother Divine !

Seek out the great Ones and know the Truth !

Arise, awake, Seek out
The Great Ones to know Truth ineffable
As dangerous as the Razor's edge
So is the path difficult to cross

I walk on the Razor's edge alone
The path is narrow, the way Unknown

Go and seek out the Seers
Whose body is full of Bliss
Who enjoys divine Immortality
Whose body know the warmth
Warmth subtle of the Serpent Power
As it ascends from the Base Chakra
To the highest Crown Chakra !